Summer Fun, With Beer & Cider!


Between the Tampa Bay Rays’ absolutely stunning record and the Beat-The-Heat-level temps*, St. Petians are flocking inside like the Sunken Gardens flamingos taking cover before Hurricane Ian. 

At Green Bench, a few upgrades have been made to the outdoor space including an abundance of umbrellas for shade, as well as two large cooling fans flanking the beer garden to keep the air circulating. But the wheels of the GB team are always turning, so guests can look forward to other means to assuage the sweaty grasp of summer. 

Per usual, all guests 21+ are invited to enjoy the sweet, sweet air conditioning cranking in Webb’s City Cellar Thursday-Sunday. Private events will occasionally take over that space, but information is posted and updated through the new Webb’s City Cellar Instagram page

As a nod to friend of the brewery and “Advanced Cicerone®, cartoonist, author, beer reviewer, international beer judge and public speaker who runs the award winning website Pints and Panels” (, Em Sauter, this month the pairings are going to be a little more esoteric. 

Sauter has done myriad beer and [insert activity/professional sport/music style here] and they’re always steak sauce. (The Taylor Swift song pairing truly holds a place in the penthouse of my heart.)  

Introducing: Beer and Summer Activity Pairings

Yard Work & Push It

Push It’s drinking a little differently this year. With an emphasis on a more balanced acidity and a pivot back towards the prototype, Leipziger Gose, Push It is less of a “sour” than it was last year. An earthy brine is woven through both the flavor and aroma with a distinct pink peppercorn snap on the finish. From first sniff to final sip, the beer really drinks like savory Gatorade – thirst quenching and utterly refreshing. Upgrade your lawnmower beer. You deserve it. 

Dinner Party & Albemarle Pippin

This one’s for the indoorsy among us. Greeting guests with a little bubbly is a lovely way to elevate any dinner party, whether the meal is burgers and hot dogs or perhaps something more refined. Frankly, cider deserves a seat at this table, and especially Green Bench cider. Albemarle Pippin boasts bright notes of apple blossom and crisp minerality, with a bone dry finish akin to the sparkling wines of Spain, France, and Italy. Following the logic that everything tastes better out of a wine glass, Albemarle Pippin would be a lovely way to welcome guests for an evening of sips & snacks. 

Thunderstorm Watching & Postcard Pils 

Summer storms are A Thing here in sunny St. Pete, and they’re better when embraced, not reviled. Watching the majesty that is the cacophony Mother Nature creates during these storms is as awe-inducing as it is terrifying. The more mild can be witnessed from the porch - cozy under a raincoat, a koozied-Postcard in hand. But the truly tempestuous events are best observed inside, once again, Postcard in hand. Postcard’s crisp, bitter finish cuts through the pre-storm humidity, and the low ABV allows folks to sip to their heart’s content for the duration of the storm.

All of these beverages are available to-go in our Tasting Room. Green Bench is open 7 days a week. 

*Have you heard of our Beat the Heat special? When it’s 91° or hotter, select lagers are only $4 for a 0.5L!

Micki Bell