Raise A Glass To...Kyle AKA Slimer!


Raise a glass to…Kyle aka Slimer!

Just as his nickname implies, Kyle’s presence oozes into nearly every aspect of Green Bench. As our Head of Packaging & Logistics, Kyle works with each department within the brewery to ensure our beer goes from production to its proper destination. From the tasting room to distribution and everything in between, he plays a crucial role in our overall execution. 

One of the best qualities about Kyle, that everyone appreciates, is his sense of humor. There’s not a day that goes by that we don’t hear a quick wit comment coming from our Slimer. Whether it be a sitcom reference, movie quote, or Kyle getting the entire packaging and production crew communicating solely through ‘I Think You Should Leave’ quotes…his humor almost always makes us pause, think, and get a good chuckle because it’s so smart and perfectly timed. Khris Johnson boasts, “Kyle is one of the most intelligent people I've worked with and he uses his clever wit to lighten the mood around the brewery all day. He manages an appropriate balance that keeps a lot of our work fun.”

Beyond his ability to bring humor to any situation and get us all rolling with laughter, Kyle is an incredible asset to our team because of his dedication and diligent work ethic. Often found at the brewery in the wee hours of the morning, Kyle faces deadlines and curveballs with poise and focus. He goes above and beyond to make sure that his tasks are completed fully and takes pride in the weight that he carries for the team around him. Nathan Stonecipher thoughtfully notes, “Kyle works fast and is probably one of the most efficient employees I've ever seen. He moved seamlessly into his current role without skipping a beat and made sure nothing fell through the cracks during the transition period. With Kyle, we always know things will be done on time and done the right way, and he's an extremely valuable member of our team.”

It’s hard to not think of Kyle as Slimer - a perfect nickname gifted to him by Steve Duffy back in his early days at Green Bench - because he truly does ooze his way into every dynamic we have at the brewery. 

Thank you for the laughs and dedication, Slimer!

Micki Bell